Do You Remember...

The College Girls That Had a Fetish for Nude Greek & Italian Men?

Those Crazy Fun-filled Summers Working in the 'Big Apple'?
When Ultan de Burca spent all of 'Rag Week' Monday banging a bottle off the top of Archimedes!?

Alma Quinn, the ever-friendly SU secretary , always willing to photocopy or type up reports for college clubs & societies?

When your makeshift float made out of cardboard & wire capsized in the Crazy Boat Race!?

When Britain's first successful all-female Rock Band played the 'Aula'?

Dramsoc productions?
with players that included Debra Evers & that handsome rascal Eugene Scanlan!


Anonymous said...

Maybe Ollie Tully, not sure

Eugene Scanlan said...

I have to admit that I didn't even recognise myself! All that hair! Where has it gone?

Pauline Martin said...

That's Eugene as I remember him right enough. He looked just like that when he used to visit the chalet! Pauline Martin

Speedie's Blog said...

Good to hear from you Pauline! Your chalet was renowned for its hospitality!

Eugene said...

Be careful with the language you use Speedie; Peter Michael Keelehans was also known for its 'hospitality' as was 'The Stella' on High Street! Now the Chalet, well that was a different type of hospatility altogether, four beautiful Roscommon women serving hot dinners to the waifs and strays of UCG. I'll never forget them, the hot dinners I mean. Only joking, the girls as well!

Eugene said...
